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CBS Lawrence Newsletter Announcements


CBS Lawrence wishes you a Mazal Tov on your simcha and is very happy to share your simcha with our members.  Please complete our online form and consider making an optional donation.

Deadline is Thursday 10:00am.

Announcements received after this deadline will be included
in the following week's announcements.

All names will appear as submitted.
Please include your relationship to the announcement:  
For example:  Birth of my 'grandson' or 'granddaughter'.
Please include all relevant people and their relationship to the person.

For Example:

Mazal Tov to Avraham and Sarah Cohen on the bris of a grandson, Yaakov, to their children Yitzchak and Rivka Cohen of Jerusalem, Israel.  Mazal Tov also to the great-grandmother, Sheila Goldberg.
Please note:  All announcements are subject to editing based on space, standards, guidelines and policies of the administration.
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785