CBS clergy, staff, and volunteers work together to support our members during times of loss.
CBS provides support for mourners during the week of shiva and beyond by assisting in preparing the family home for shiva and providing a post-cemetery meal. CBS clergy are also available to provide spiritual support to members during their time of loss.
Upon the death of a loved one, members may contact the CBS office to make arrangements by e-mailing or calling 516-569-3600.
Click for current funeral and shiva information.
Shiva Minyanim
The CBS shiva committee helps to ensure that a minyan is present at the shiva of each mourner in our CBS community. For more information, or for assistance with shiva minyanim, please contact Gary Miller.
Volunteers are often needed to assist in making shiva minyanim. If you are interested in being on the listserv and being contacted when the need arises, please register here, or contact Gary Miller.
Chevra Kadisha
The volunteers in our Chevra Kadisha provide resources and support to members of the CBS community following a death.
Joey Hoenig (516) 984-8260 /
Lester Henner (516) 603-3311
Amy Borgen (516) 946-6267
Yahrtzeit Dedications and Sponsorship Opportunities
CBS helps its members to remember the yahrtzeit's of their loved ones by providing opportunities for mourners to memorialize their relatives and uplift their neshama (soul).
On the occasion of a yahrzeit you may consider a dedication or sponsorship opportunity (including a Kiddush, our Torah Weekly publication, weekly classes, guest speakers and Scholars-In-Residence, Seudah Shlishit, siddurim, chumashim, etc.) in order to memorialize your beloved relative.
Members can sponsor our Daf Yomi Talmud Class for one day at $50, one week at $150, or $500 for the entire month in which the yahrzeit occurs. In this way, the Torah learning conducted by the class will be directed towards uplifting the neshama (soul) of your relative.
Click here for more information about giving and sponsorships.
Members may dedicate memorial plaques in the CBS Beit Midrash in memory of their relatives. Memorial plaques are a permanent remembrance of your relatives at CBS. Plaques are available for $500. Contact for more information.
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
Davening Times
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 6:30am |
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Shacharis : 8:15am |
Mincha/Maariv : 5:20pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:19pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Feb 22, 6:21pm |
Shabbos Mevarchim
Shabbos, Feb 22 |
Alos Hashachar | 5:24am |
Earliest Tallis | 5:55am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:45am |
Latest Shema | 9:27am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:21am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:09pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:36pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:18pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:26pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:33pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 6:14pm |
More >> |
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Congregation Beth Sholom | 390 Broadway, Lawrence NY 11559
Call 516-569-3600 | Fax 516-569-3105 |
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